Company In Kochi
Email remains relevant as ever for every digital marketing campaign with close to 4 billion email users sending out & receiving an estimated 306 billion emails every day. Email continues to be the preferred form of communication among people world over, making Email marketing an inevitable means for business outreach & Corporate Branding.
We provide bulk email marketing service in cochin, Kerala. As the email marketing services agency, at Code CL, we understand the importance of email marketing for brands and continue to advocate our customers to trust it as their preffered direct marketing channel. We have specialised team for ecommerce email marketing promotion.
We are a leading service provider in email marketing company, kochi providing proven email marketing solutions and Social Media and online branding of your business.
“Social Media puts the “public” into PR and the “market” into marketing.”
A form of direct marketing, where a brand sends commercial messages to existing subscribers, with the purpose of increasing sales and brand loyalty along with valuable information about the brand. Being relatively inexpensive and better reach makes it a favoured marketing practice among many small and big brands alike.
People generally want to stay updated about brands they admire. Email marketing is one of the direct means to stay engaged with that audience. When used effectively, it stands to increase trust among your customers and help brands find repeat customers. A favoured brand needs to consistently send messages on the latest in sales and promotions for conversions.
We at CCL provide you with the services of a team of copy and content writers to craft your message in the most meticulous manner.
At CCL we provide you with a team for email marketing involving designers and writers to make the final message look immaculately polished.
We pay good attention to your competitors to gain knowledge on their mail strategies to imbibe best practices.
We ensure that we understand the brand and your domain for a guaranteed email strategy for impactful campaigns.
We launch effective mail campaigns for clients by being thoroughly knowledgeable about everything on your target audience.
We do not leave anything to chance and regularly conduct A/B testing of email variations to improve the effectiveness of campaigns.
Access to email is no longer restricted to a desktop. Technology improvements have made it possible for emails to be accessed through Smartphones. This only means that you can reach people wherever they are for improved visibility and reach.
One of the great advantages of email is customization. You can personalize a message to reach a specific segment of an audience. The message plays out as if you are directly speaking to them, improving the chances of a positive response.
An email marketing strategy starts with the understanding that it outperforms strategies like SEO, PPC and content marketing. Consequently, our efforts are focussed on delivering the optimum results through an email campaign. Our strategy broadly follows 5-steps:
Get most out of your email campaign.
Email marketing campaign can be a lot easier if you know exactly who you are writing for. Use available analytics and sales data to arrive at a better understanding.
The tone of your email should ideally sound conversational with less emphasis on selling; it makes the email sound better.
When drafting a marketing email, it is best to have a single goal. Focus on that one action – you want the audience to commit to.
The best-written emails come with the most appropriate word choices to make the mail a great reading experience.
Assured Email Marketing Campaigns!
We come with over a decade of experience in email marketing with email template design and have delivered on our strategies with terrific results.
We are averse to complacency and understand the dynamics of a growing domain that calls for original solutions with every client.
Start Campaign NowWe bring together the best minds in Inbound Marketing with a demonstrated history of producing tangible results for all our clients in email promotion, both in the past and in the present. We devote our time to understand brands well to come up with novel email design and content strategies that work.
We remain true to the belief that consistent consultations at the beginning of a project help in shaping the results better designing perfect eamil journies and specific content to suit the target audience of a brand.
Common understanding dictates that the subject line in the mail ranks above everything else. Well, it is the first thing a user gets to see when he receives mail. Spend time crafting your subject line - it has to grab attention at the same time and sound interesting. Avoid sticking to convention and experiment a little for fresh ideas.
Email writing and writing copy for the web have similar approaches. Care needs to be taken that you follow a logical structure, short paragraphs and restrict to one idea per paragraph. Use bullets and subheadings to make the email more presentable. Conversely, a text-heavy email might be very persuasive but may not find many readers.
An email is there to be read and gimmicks cannot give you intended results. It is best to avoid caps and exclamation marks in the subject line and in the body of the mail. Using them over a consistent period of time can get you bracketed as a spammer to directly affect your email open rate. Remain safe and grab attention with what you want to convey.
Any kind of marketing involves covert use of elements from psychology. Humans are known to behave in predictable ways to certain stimuli. Email marketing campaigns uses such tactics to create converting marketing copy. Factors like fear of missing out (FOMO), colour choices, emotional faces in emails and social proof – all can be included for a successful campaign.
Your mail is sent on a company’s behalf but it is important that the person receiving mail knows who is sending it. Ensure that you have a person behind the message, this helps subscribers to form a connection with the brand helping your conversions. By giving a face to the message strengthens the bond between the customer and the brand.
Your mail content may be ready to be sent. But it is equally important to think beyond the email. What about the landing page? The best option is to create a new landing page for a new campaign for the highest conversions. Your email copy should sync with what is on the landing page. It should speak of a specific offer, prompting the user to engage in an intended action.
Tangible Outreach through Email Campaigns can be made possible through solid email marketing service thereby increasing sales three times faster than normal especially for e-commerce projects.
We work on building your email list to a critical number through a lead magnet (e.g. EBook), contests, content upgrades, and sign-ups on Facebook.
Getting more subscribers is key to a successful campaign. We create & design opt-in forms to get attention that encourages people to sign-up.
Good email marketing starts with clear cut goals like seeking new subscribers, boosting engagement, and nurturing existing subscribers.
We value our experience in understanding the target audience for a brand. Also, we use data from Google Analytics & Facebook Insights.
We remain conscious of good email design as it reflects directly on the brand. Also, we use responsive email templates that adapt to all devices.
We usually send out three email types to prolong the engagement with subscribers - promotional, relational and transactional emails.
We choose technology for email automation very carefully to get the most of our email campaigns , especially features that enhance outreach.
Once you have got new subscribers, it is crucial to follow up with emails that are relevant, interesting, and valuable.
We go through the analytics offered by the email service providers to monitor performance indices such opens, clicks, unsubscribes and forwards.
Email may be old but not outdated, it continues to outperform online strategies and can be trusted means for business outreach. We at CCL ensure our email campaigns deliver maximum value for money for our clients. Go with the DEFINITIVE CAMPAIGN AGENCY!