Gaining visibility on Google search is crucial to your business. Technical SEO ensures flawed technical parameters are fixed on your website to not hinder search rankings.
CCL provides expertise & deep understanding of SEO to provide guaranteed results.
We at CCL, over the years, have helped many clients with website issues to help them reach a steady ranking on Google. Based on knowledge and experience, we help uncover technical flaws and fix them to be in-line with Google standards.
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Your Technical SEO Needs Fulfilled!
Brands that seek to remain visible on Google are dependent on search engine results. Bots or software from Google is sent to crawl on websites in order to index (store) web pages into Google’s database.
If your website is up to speed on all technical parameters, Google is known to index such sites efficiently to help your visibility. Not getting indexed by Google makes your brand invisible online.
VIEW MOREGoogle is known to prefer websites who display certain technical characteristics.
These include a secure connection, a responsive design and a fast loading time. Apart from these basic guidelines, there can be problems with duplicate content, meta description length, broken links along with the absence of XML site map – that can prevent the site from being indexed properly.
Learn More“Social Media puts the “public” into PR and the “market” into marketing .”
Technical SEO is the effort directed at creating an efficient website that can be easily indexed (stored) by Google bots into its database. Keep in mind that technical SEO is not equal to getting a high rank. Rather it signals that Google is aware of your web pages. Getting indexed by Google has a direct bearing on your online visibility. It is a make or break situation. Whenever a search query is typed in, you are asking Google to return all the indexed pages. Your page will be among millions of pages that remain in contention to appear on search results. Google’s proprietary algorithm sorts out the pages to provide you with the most relevant results.
Some agencies are known to skip on technical SEO as they consider it not so important. We treat technical SEO as the foundation of your search engine optimization strategy. We consider site architecture, website speed and responsive website design to be integral facets of technical SEO. Your site architecture depends on robots.txt – a set of codes that guides the bots on the pages to be skipped; SSL –a security protocol that makes the site secure; and sitemap - helps crawlers with the structure of the website, it can be HTML or XML. Second, on the list is website speed, a faster website means better ranking. Lastly, your website should have responsive design meaning it equally supports mobile and tablet screens.
CCL- Efficient Website Indexation with Technical SEO, Get the most out of your website!
We help with the technical optimization of your website
To avoid indexing issues you have specified your domain name - with or without the ‘www’ prefix. You have to make your preference known to the search engines.
By optimizing the file, you can restrict certain pages from being crawled by spiders, which are not related to SEO, speeding up the indexing process.
A well-organized website structure is easier for search engines to index, Google considers the overall structure of a website while evaluating a page.
Usage of the breadcrumb menu helps users with navigation and gives hints to search engines about the overall structure of the website.
It is a set of code that you can add to the web-page, visible to the crawlers that help them understand the context of your content.
Bots use XML sitemap as a guide when crawling, it contains a list of all pages along with the title, published and last updated date.
An important ranking factor - once SSL is installed, your website can be accessed only by https. All information exchange between website and server becomes encrypted.
With the introduction of Mobile-first index by Google, it has become essential for all websites to support mobile browsers.
The practice eliminates issues with duplicate content when you have pages with similar content and tells Google to consider a single version of a page while indexing.
Make your website to align with Google standards!
We improve websites with technical SEO and make it efficient enough for smooth indexing by Google spiders.
This involves tricking the search engine with hidden text and links to display two separate versions of the same website to users & web spiders.
When shifting a page to a different URL, always use 301 permanent redirects to tell a search engine to replace an old page with a new URL in its index.
When visitors type-in for a non-existent page, ensure a customized page displays the 404 error page and gives them options to navigate the page.
Remain vigilant from site owners who plagiarize your content resulting in your website getting filtered out from search results.
Keep on the look-out for user-generated spam or hacked content finding a place among your content. Google recommends removing it ASAP.
Ensure the removal of broken internal links or dead links from your site to prevent them from having any impact on your site SEO.
Have the Browser Cache option for visitors to your website. It can substantially reduce the load time of your website.
Your URLs cannot be changed often, it is necessary to get it right the first time around. Go with URLs which are descriptive and contain keywords.
Keep a close watch on the indexing process. Ensure there isn’t a great difference between indexed pages and the total number of pages on the website.
A crawl error can give you information on anything wrong on your website that can affect the search engine ranking.